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Mer de Glace

Mer de Glace

This is a great example of my B&W conversion process. After the actual conversion using a Channel Mixer layer, I basically use the same methods Ansel Adams used in the early 20th century in order to produce his famous prints. Those are described in his book number 3, “The Print”. Precise dodge and burning is fundamental for this and I use these to do it:


The secrets for a good digital B&W image are: a good RAW frame, a decent conversion to B&W and fine attention to detail. Most of my B&W images have about 10-15 layers of fine adjustments using the stylus.

Much easier than in the old days, though — no complicated chemistry, no fine brushes, no dye-matching, no sharp razors… If you’re curious about how this was done before computers were invented, I really recommend reading the book I mentioned.


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